The "Impossible Journeys" Archive

Ready to embark on a magnificent adventure? Enjoy essays and ideas for designing an extraordinary life.

Location: New York, United States

Strategic advisor, thinker, hiker, and author of "Journey to the Impossible: Designing an Extraordinary Life."

Thursday, November 07, 2002

The Art of Playful Defiance

No matter what your field of endeavor, master the art of Playful Defiance and reap the benefits. Playful Defiance is the ability to go against the status quo and have fun in the process. The Journey requires you to propel yourself from the norm and rise to a place of infinite joy and possibility.

Playful Defiance is a “bring it on” mentality -- a developed air of defiance and excitement that causes you to take action when others close the door to creative opportunity. This vital psychology helps breed solutions and triggers actions toward what you want. Cultivating this mindset activates a burning desire and a relentless determination when the odds are stacked against you. With Playful Defiance, you compete for the love of the adventure -- a passion for conquering the unconquerable and turning everything upside down.

Playful Defiance can be applied to any area of life:

  • In business, find strategies to generate staggering results, defying the standards of your industry
  • In relationships, discover ways to continually grow and nurture those relationships that are most important to you
  • In finances, cultivate the thinking process and develop the strategies for building massive financial abundance
  • In health, constantly set higher standards for reaching new levels of boundless energy
  • In lifestyle, develop ways to live your dreams by your own values

And in each area ... have fun in the process.

With Playful Defiance, you can fully embrace any “Impossible” challenge. When someone says, “It can’t be done,” hear your Call to Action. Roll up your sleeves, put a big smile on your face, and dive in.

The Impossible Journey is as much about having an exciting, fun and passionate experience as it is about getting results. People struggle with this aspect of the Journey more than anything else. We’re not taught how to be playful, and perhaps more importantly, we’re not even taught that it’s okay to act defiantly.

Adults can’t act playfully, right? Kids are supposed to be playful, while adults are supposed to be serious. It’s just not proper to act otherwise, or is it? As we get older, we’re taught to: “Behave” and “act your age.” Who dictates how your age should act? And is this behavior always conducive with achieving fulfillment in your life financially, spiritually, emotionally, socially, or physically? [For more discussion, see October 1, 2002 Impossible Journeys titled “A Rant About Growing Up”]

Perhaps it’s time to make a change: Stop acting your age and start having fun. Don’t just be playful on the weekends or once in a while; be playfully defiant in your work, in your relationships, and in everything you do.

Anyone can learn to effectively break the rules, but only a true master can laugh and play along the way.

Learn the psychology of Playful Defiance and live an extraordinary adventure!

Happy Journeys!
Scott Jeffrey


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